If you place an order for a large volume of PCBs, you need to eliminate any mistakes or errors in the design and manufacturing process, otherwise, you will have a lot of useless PCBs.
Although by definition prototypes are much more costly to produce on a per unit basis, they are still relatively cheap when you consider only a few will be made. Identifying an error by first making a prototype is therefore a logical way to proceed.
It might be the case with complicated requirements that several prototypes are required to get to iterate towards the right solution. In other instances, one prototype will be sufficient. We can advise you when we discuss your requirements with you.
The prototype should be manufactured as close to the volume process as possible and fully tested in its intended environment. At Hi5 Electronics we have extensive experience in perfecting the design and manufacture of PCBs. We use a prototype to ensure that we virtually eliminate the chances of failure when it comes to the full manufacturing run of Printed Circuit Boards. Our skill and expertise both in house and from our suppliers give us the confidence to manufacture your products successfully.